Buy THIS HOLY OCTOBER Direct from Us


Rochambeaux is an Arizona based hard rock project that combines a dark and heavy rhythm section with insanely melodic lead guitarwork. This armada of sound is helmed by a vocal mad man who brings forth an eerie and precise style comprised of influences ranging from Metal pioneers to R & B legends.

With no agenda or platform higher than simply creating fun and interesting heavy music with obscure and universally vague meanings, Rochambeaux just might be what you're looking for in this age of not knowing what to think of anything anymore.

Please explore our site which follows. You can purchase our music either directly from us, or through various digital music stores like iTunes, at the links to your right. T-Shirts are also available. In addition we offer some free downloads.

Please explore the site and feel free to comment or write us any time. WE ARE CURRENTLY BOOKING SHOWS IN ARIZONA AND SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Thank you all for your continued interest and support.

Rochambeaux is:

Paul Schneider - Vocals

Wayne Boyd - Guitars

Mike Mejia - Guitars

Mike Harris - Bass

Matt Heatwole - Drums

Algorithm Live

Anatomy of a Shadow Live


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New Year Update

It's a new year and we've taken a bit of time off to relax, clear our heads, and enjoy This Holy October. We have some good ideas left over from those sessions that may materialize into new songs for the next album. In addition, I started working on a couple new songs and we also plan to rework some very old songs we did back in our high school days. They need some updating but it's fun to modernize and examine them in a new light.

I cannot say for certain which direction if any the next album will go, but the writing and creative process has officially started for it. With any luck I should be able to send Paul some demos soon to start him thinking and I hope to get Mike and Eric in the studio soon for some collaboration. Wish us luck and as always, we'll keep you posted.

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